


 We have a lot of dreams regarding this place, we want to restore it to former glory and repopulate the place with cows and chiming cow-bells. From the milk I want to make cheese and other products, Mathias want to use his charcuterie education to make delicious meat products like sausages and air dried hams. Our dream is to make and finally be able to offer our small scale artisan food products to all of you, and hopefully through this website.

We also have some vague thoughts about offering simple living, a cabin life experience sometime in the future. For those interested in a moment with reconnection with nature and simple farm life.

We have decided to make all our material on youtube available to everyone, that doesn’t mean that the content is not worth anything and neither does it mean that we can do all this creative work without support. So through Patreon you have a chance to support us and our journey at Talasbuan. But no matter how you support us, economically or otherwise, we appreciate everyone of you!

This is written Friday the 2nd of november 2018, so we will se how long it will take before we manage to get there. At least now we have a somewhat clear vision of what we want, and they say its easier to accomplish your goals if you have written it down.

Update 21st of november 2019.

Things are slowly moving forward, Mathias can now stay at home and work towards these goals we have set with the help of all our Patreons. Since we launched our Patreon it has slowly grown and have become above and beyond our expectations. Its truly amazing that Mathias can be at home, putting his energy into our dreams even though it means we are quite poor money wise but richer in health and joy.

Update 18th of march 2021

Now Ivar has already been with us for a whole year, we have enjoyed every second of it and all of our projects became second priority. Now we feel its time to speed things up again and Mathias is working with timbering the Farstu. We hope to get a lot more things done in the summer to come!

Update 23rd of may 2023

Things are still taking its sweet time, Ivar is more and more mobile on his own making it easier for us to work or have him helping out at his own rate. This summer we hope to put down more work on the house and the windows are maybe planned to arrive in the end of may, no sign of them yet though. We will need to be better to plan our days and weeks or else time just run by and there is so much work with the animals during the spring, summer and fall, and we always find new project to put in between de old ones all the time…

Still spring is here, a bit late this year and we look forward to the coming summer. ♡

