Time flies when you have much to do

Time has really gone by fast the last 6 months, my last blog entry in swedish were in february and today I also decided to try write the same posts in english too. If you are interested in my older swedish posts you will have to learn swedish (or use google translate) tough because I won’t translate them all i think :).

All our time this last months has been dedicated to our animals, building projects, hay, money labour and the vlog. The vlog are of course a kind of blog but I also like to write stuff down, both thoughts and teachings. Did I ever mention that I loove pretty notebooks.

The question is if bloging are a dying format, are there someone who have the time to read a blog anymore?

Now we finally have our new website in order and have been able to gather both blog and information in one place, with feels really good. So maybe we can have some more flow in the writing now.

So what have happened since last i wrote?

I graduated from my school and can now proudly call myself an Artisan cheese maker, we got four lambs and around 40 babychicks. Two pigs moved in and the rabbits got 14 kids togheter. We had help from our families to put a roof on our new cabin and to gather the hay. We have made firewood to the winter, we have begun to brew kombucha and make our own fermented vegetables. We have tried to make some cheese and every week we make our own “long buttermilk” with milk from our village farmer. Mathias also started school to become an artisan charcuteriest and we got a new family member in the form of a kitten, Krösamaja. We have put much of our time at the vlogs, our patreon account and this website. I went to a inspirational trip to Parma, Italy. The spring, summer and autumn have come and gone and now snow is here again.

Im sorry for the not so good english grammar, I always had problem with this in school and I guess my senior high school teacher are sobbing right now! ;D

Talk to you soon,

